"In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats." -- English Proverb

Yes - that's Mac mounted atop Walter, performing his magic.
Most dogs love to be touched. They love to be patted on the rump, petted on their head and scratched behind the ears. They even love to be brushed. Well, at least my boys do. Whenever Walter or Henry are petted and stroked, they hum with pleasure and stretch their legs out or paw me for more when I stop.
The one thing Walter and Henry do not agree on when it comes to petting is the Cat Massage. Mac, our 18-year-old cat loves to climb up on the dogs’ backs and start kneading. Mac has tried it on Henry a couple of times and Henry gives him such a look of displeasure, he quickly realizes he is not welcome and looks for a more willing customer.
And he finds it in Walter.
Mac can climb up on Walter’s back, dig his soft, de-clawed little pads deep into Walter’s neck and back and meow for as long as his little heart desires. This sometimes goes on for half an hour. Walter submits every time. Mac seems to get as much pleasure being the masseur as Walter gets as the recipient of the massage. Quid Pro Quo.
Maybe Walter just doesn’t have the heart to knock Mac off or maybe he really does enjoy it. I tend to believe it is the latter. I think it is truly the ultimate massage and Henry just doesn’t realize what he is missing.

Yes - that's Mac mounted atop Walter, performing his magic.
Most dogs love to be touched. They love to be patted on the rump, petted on their head and scratched behind the ears. They even love to be brushed. Well, at least my boys do. Whenever Walter or Henry are petted and stroked, they hum with pleasure and stretch their legs out or paw me for more when I stop.
The one thing Walter and Henry do not agree on when it comes to petting is the Cat Massage. Mac, our 18-year-old cat loves to climb up on the dogs’ backs and start kneading. Mac has tried it on Henry a couple of times and Henry gives him such a look of displeasure, he quickly realizes he is not welcome and looks for a more willing customer.
And he finds it in Walter.
Mac can climb up on Walter’s back, dig his soft, de-clawed little pads deep into Walter’s neck and back and meow for as long as his little heart desires. This sometimes goes on for half an hour. Walter submits every time. Mac seems to get as much pleasure being the masseur as Walter gets as the recipient of the massage. Quid Pro Quo.
Maybe Walter just doesn’t have the heart to knock Mac off or maybe he really does enjoy it. I tend to believe it is the latter. I think it is truly the ultimate massage and Henry just doesn’t realize what he is missing.
Liz, that's hilarious! I've never heard of a cat massaging a dog like that. You've got a house of special animals. I'm looking forward to meeting them all.
Sue - yes, it's true as you can see! We have an interesting family of animals in the Wagner house! But seriously, I think Walter really likes the massage treatments from Mac. It pretty much goes on every day. Very funny to watch!
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